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My Success story as Teacher; Zulfiqar Behan

My Success story as Teacher; Zulfiqar Behan

It was really an amazing moment I cannot forget yes it was Closing ceremony of newly appointed Head Masters/Head Mistress their completion of 14days induction training on 27 July 2017 @ GECE Qasimabad Karachi.
 It was very tremendous day in my life because I got unforgettable positive reception from trainees (HMs). At the moment of certification to Master trainers when   my name called as for Master trainer certificate I welcomed  unexpected non stop round of applause for 4-5 minutes at that instant secretary school education Abdul Aziz Uqaili  asked me that what is a reason why such round of applause ? Did you teach to hm or not? I replied that sir you can asked so during the speech secretary sb asked to HMs what was the reason why you people gave a great appreciation to only one master trainer? tell me one by one and secretary sb got answered 3-4 trainees.
 It was brilliant reflection for me and that time because of my performance as motivator and an excellent master trainer secretary school education Mr.A.Aziz Uqaili announced and directed me that I (Zulfiqar Behan) will guide monitor and coordinate to all newly appointed HMs of Karachi.

It was Just film scene I really enjoyed and thanked to God and all my well-wishers.


  1. Salaam.. Respected sir Zulfiqar ..
    You are really a true motivator .
    We ll never forget the way you show your dedication.

    Thanks alot again

  2. September 2, 2017 at 6:41 AM

    Salaam.. Respected sir..
    You are undoubtedly so admirable whatever you are doing to support newly recruited HMs

    We're so much thankful to you..

    M A Qureshi


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