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Nothing venture nothing have. Success Story of Newly appointed IBA Pass HM Amreena Liaquat headmistress of G.B.P.S Jamia Muhammadi semis code 408050139 Lyari town

Nothing venture nothing have. Success Story of Newly appointed IBA Pass HM Amreena Liaquat headmistress of G.B.P.S Jamia Muhammadi semis code 408050139 Lyari town

Nothing venture nothing's really meant in my life...I Amreena Liaquat headmistress of G.B.P.S Jamia Muhammadi semis code 408050139 Lyari town,district south...when i got to know that I have been posted in Lyari...I was damn worried about facing huge problems...but I accepted it as a challenge...the first problem which I faced that was timing issue...all the staff including students were used to pop in school late and go back earlier...on Friday  they used to leave school at 10:30 Instead of 12:30 and rest of the days 12:30 Instead of 1:00 I conducted meeting regarding timing schedule made them realize to give complete time as school demands and all the pupils deserve to be given extra attention as they really need,all the staff realized my all efforts didn't end to smoke and I would love to high light one very positive thing of my staff  which I found most of the teachers were too  supportive and cooperative they played their vital role to complete the first step to resolve timing issue...after that another flaw waiting for me that was the worst and aggressive behavior of majority of students in Lyari as they kept on misbehaving and fighting,they all used to come school with long hair dirty uniforms big nails and dusty shoes...I immediately designed a Time Table having zero period right after assembly to motivate them facilitate them and teach them how to be lenient introduce social skills and ask all of them to utilise in their daily life and report good feedback from others and share it with ur class teacher,on behalf of above teachers were given a check list regarding students behavior and cleanliness to jot down gradually changing in their personality...I found terrific change in all of them with in a the ratio of fighting misbehaving are being decreased day by day...and most of them come to school with neat and tidy uniform...a part of above initial one week of August I found whole school a litter or trash box no any nut and bolt to use dust bin they were habitual to throw wrapper where ever they want after break school was just like a house of garbage.... for maintaining neat environment..a paper chart has been pasted in each class having a caption WE HAVE LITTER FREE CLASS.... at the end of last period and break classes are given stars if they hav litter free class and above practice is done by headmistress in daily if any day Maasi does not come to school no one can judge school is going on without sweeper...Alhamdolillah that's a big achievement of my students not only them but their parents too as they were not interested to attend any meeting but due to lots of force they assembled in the purpose of the meeting was to highlight the importance of PTM as they can be updated the progress of their kids easily,shared the importance of SMC as School Management Committee plays very vital role to upgrade the teaching and learning process as well...above one part has been completed successfully now working on next target by keeping my finger crossed😊


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