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5 Days workshop Revision of Sindhi & Urdu curriculum ( I-V) 14 -18 November 2017@ Hyderabad Club near niaz stadium Hyderabad

5 Days workshop Revision of Sindhi & Urdu curriculum ( I-V) 14 -18 November 2017@ Hyderabad Club near niaz stadium Hyderabad
5 Days workshop Revision of Sindhi & Urdu curriculum ( I-V) 14 -18 November 2017@ Hyderabad Club near niaz stadium Hyderabad
5 Days workshop Revision of Sindhi & Urdu curriculum ( I-V) 14 -18 November 2017@ Hyderabad Club near niaz stadium Hyderabad with collaboration with Pakistan Reading Project, Sindh Reading project USAID.

Day wise report
Day -1st
Session started with recitation of holy Qur'an welcome speech on the behalf of director DCAR idress jatoi delivered message.
Mr.Anjum Pervaiz Head of office PRP briefed about Pakistan Reading project.
Mr.Aamir Latif Sidiqui,Maria Soomro and Atria Tabassum Bhutto conveyed that how can integrated reading in language curriculum.
Dr.Tajamul Hussain Shah emphasized importance of curriculum in the broader educational context. It was an excellent presentation about curriculum development.
Thanks dear sir Mushtaque Shahani
Thanks dear Sir Ghullam Asghar Lemon for gave me opportunity for this great task.
Notified curriculum and textbook review committee for subject Sindhi class I -XII
1.Prof. Dr.Ghullam Ali Allana
2.Syed Imdad Hussaini
3.Dr.Abdul Ghafoor Lemon
4.Dr.Noir Afroze Khuwaja
5.Dr.Mohd Ali Manjhi
6.Dr.Altar Jokhio
7.Shed Ghullam Akbar Shah
8.Tahseen Kousar Ansari
9.Dulshad Ahmed Detho
10.Azizullah Panhwar
11.Naheed Shah
12.Zulfiqar Behan
13.Muhammad I dress Jatio


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